Your Sales & Marketing Recruitment

Find the perfect candidates to drive growth and achieve your business goals with Interview Box.

Experience the benefits of structured interviews firsthand with a free trial of Interview Box.


Identify Top Performers

Utilize AI-powered assessments to evaluate candidates' sales skills, marketing acumen, and personality traits that predict success.

Streamline Your Hiring Process

Save time and resources by automating screening tasks and conducting video interviews on-demand.

Reduce Hiring Bias

Ensure objective and fair candidate evaluations based on skills and qualifications, not just resumes.

Improve Quality of Hire

Make data-driven decisions and select candidates who are most likely to excel in sales and marketing roles.

Build Diverse Teams

Expand your talent pool and attract candidates from diverse backgrounds to foster innovation and creativity.

Sales & Marketing Assessments

Assess candidates' skills in areas such as lead generation, negotiation, communication, marketing strategy, and digital marketing.

Video Interviewing Platform

Conduct live or asynchronous video interviews to assess candidates' communication skills, presentation style, and cultural fit.

Candidate Scoring and Ranking

Automatically score and rank candidates based on their qualifications, skills, and assessment results.

Collaboration Tools

Share interview recordings, assessments, and feedback with your hiring team for collaborative evaluation.

Schedule a personalized demo to see how Interview Box can meet your specific hiring needs.